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Toàn quốc Indigenous Coffee Producing Communities in Colombia


Thành viên cấp 1
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Bài viết
How do the lasting effects of colonialism continue to affect indigenous peoples?
Although Colombia's indigenous communities have become largely self-governed, coffee production remains vital to the livelihoods of many of these people.
There are similar cases in several coffee producing communities around the world. Often, several generations of indigenous tribes continue to depend on coffee cultivation as their main source of income.
Unfortunately, many indigenous people continue to face problems inherited from existing colonial structures.
Value addition occurs primarily at the end of the supply chain, which is where the coffee is roasted and sold. This means that producers often receive a disproportionately less amount of money for their coffees, despite being part of the global coffee market.
The regulation of world coffee prices by large consuming countries means that producers often have little or no control over the prices they receive for the sale of their coffees. Although this is changing, producers are still at the mercy of price fluctuations, which are often out of their control.

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