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Hồ Chí Minh Tổng hợp từ vựng và bài Writing (band 6+) - Chủ đề Transportation

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Cách viết thư yêu cầu trong IELTS General Writing Task 1
IELTS GENERAL là gì? Cấu trúc và thang điểm IELTS GENERAL
Lingo xin chào tất cả các bạn. Đến với chuyên mục chia sẻ kiến thức học IELTS ngày hôm nay. Lingo sẽ cung cấp cho các bạn từ vựng và bài mẫu Writing (band 6+) chủ đề transportation mà cac bạn có thể tham khảo và áp dụng vào trong bài thi của mình. Hãy cùng tham khảo ngay nhé!
Từ vựng và bài Writing (band 6+) - Chủ đề Transpotation
Question: More and more people use private cars instead of taking public transport. What are the reasons for this trend? How can the government encourage people to take public transport?
Sample Writing Task 2
In a state-of-the-art society these days, there is a perception that cars have become fundamental to a decent standard of living because of its mobility and sign of wealth. However, the widespread use of cars leads to massive traffic congestion and the deterioration in the air quality. Therefore, the government and individuals should make concerted efforts to grapple with severe problems partly caused by cars by utilizing public transportation.

One of the underlying reasons why people prefer driving cars to taking public transport is that cars offer a much greater degree of flexibility in the way people work and travel. For, example, they can drive home from work late at night without a rational dread of robbers and muggers. Furthermore, while others have to spend their time anxiously waiting for bus, car owners can travel whenever and whatever they want. Another reason for this is that to some people, purchasing a magnificent car can show their social status. Car is considered a status symbol and owing an expensive car may be unaffordable to people with limited means, which can make the owners seem important. Consequently, car owners will feel that squeezing into an overcrowded bus in peak periods is only for those who come from deprived backgrounds. It is high time the government took some proactive measures to foster the use of public transport. It is well-worth putting money into improving the service like ensuring buses are punctual and hygienic, constructing more comfortable seats in waiting areas and installing air-conditioners. Moreover, offering concessionary fares is also an effective way to encourage people to use the system. Finally, the government should raise public awareness of the devastating impacts of vehicle emissions on the environment so that citizens will be less likely to drive.

To sum up, I am utterly convinced that if aforementioned remedies were strictly adhered to, it would not be long before people realized that taking public transport is a much safer, cheaper and environmentally friendly option than driving their own car.
Từ vựng chủ đề transportation
  1. Become fundamental: important
Ex: In a state-of-the-art society these days, there is a perception that cars have become fundamental to a decent standard of living because of its mobility and sign of wealth.
2. A sign of wealth: tín hiệu của sự giàu có
3. The widespread use of: the popularity of
Ex: However, the widespread use of cars leads to massive traffic congestion and the deterioration in the air quality.
4. Make concerted efforts: nổ lực phối hợp
5. To grapple with: to deal with
Ex: The government and individuals should make concerted efforts to grapple with severe problems partly caused by cars by utilizing public transportation.
6. A much greater degree of flexibility: mức độ linh hoạt lớn hơn
Ex: People prefer driving cars to taking public transport because cars offer a much greater degree of flexibility in the way people work and travel.
7. A rational dread: fear
Ex: People can drive home from work late at night without a rational dread of robbers and muggers.
8. Social status/position: vị thế xã hội
Ex: Purchasing a magnificent car can show people’s social status
9. A status symbol: a thing that people want to have because they think other people will admire them if they have it.
Ex: Car is considered a status symbol and owing an expensive car may be unaffordable to people with limited means, which can make the owners seem important.
10. People with limited means: impoverished/poor people
11. Squeezing into: to succeed in getting someone or something into a small space or object, often by pushing or forcing (nhồi nhét)

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