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Toàn quốc Top 5 Festivals in Fukuoka


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Fukuoka Prefecture, located on the Kyushu Island in Japan, is a popular tourist destination known for its rich cultural heritage, scenic beauty, and delicious food. The prefecture is famous for its cherry-blossom festivals, onsen hot-spring baths, and Shinto shrines. In this article, we will discover the top 5 festivals in Fukuoka that are must-see for every tourist visiting Japan.
1. Hakata Dontaku Festival
This is one of the biggest festivals in Fukuoka and is held every May. The festival features a parade with floats, performances by drumming teams, and a procession of locals dressed in traditional costumes.
2. Hakata Gion Yamakasa
This festival is held in July and is known for its incredible street performances and unique rituals. The highlight of the festival is the race where locals carry giant floats through the city streets.
3. Fukuoka Asia Collection
This is a popular fashion event held in September, which showcases the latest trends in Japanese and Asian fashion. Visitors can enjoy runway shows, exhibitions, and performances by famous artists.
4. Sumiyoshi Shrine Autumn Festival
This festival is held in October at Sumiyoshi Shrine in Hakata. The festival features performances by taiko drumming teams, traditional dances, and a parade with portable shrines.
5. Kitakyushu Koinobori Festival
This festival is held in May and features hundreds of colorful carp-shaped streamers displayed in the air. Visitors can enjoy various cultural activities, food stalls, and traditional performances.

See more: JPCulture

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