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Toàn quốc What is a “flat red” coffee, and what is its origin?

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The fusion of coffee and fruit juice may be a familiar practice in various regions, particularly in parts of Asia, but the flat red stands out as a beverage with its own distinctive narrative.
Vadym recounts how the flat red had been a staple in his coffee shop and a highlight at local Ukrainian festivals for an extended period. Regrettably, the onset of the Russian invasion of Ukraine compelled Vadym to put a pause on Coffee in Action, shifting his focus to provide coffee brewing kits to Ukrainian troops.
“I had been refining the flat red’s recipe and tinkering with its foundational elements for a good number of years,” he shares.
The beverage started gaining traction in 2016, coinciding with Vadym’s participation in various coffee competitions in the UK and Ukraine. It was around this time that the automotive giant Lexus approached him to craft an upscale coffee experience for their new car range debut in Ukraine.

The Genesis of the Flat Red
In collaboration with Lexus, Vadym designed an exclusive drink to complement each model, yet it was the Lexus NX that truly sparked his creativity. The striking contrast between the car’s pristine white shell and its rich red interior led Vadym to conceive the flat red, his own twist on the classic flat white.
“I was driven to concoct a novel kind of drink because I wanted to steer clear of using milk,” he explains. “At its core, the flat red is a double shot of espresso with a blend of freshly squeezed orange and pomegranate juice, which are then steamed together in the same manner as milk.”
To echo the opulent hue of the Lexus NX’s interior, Vadym initially chose Sicilian blood oranges, later enriching the mix with pomegranate juice. Upon ordering, customers would witness the barista freshly pressing the juice, an event that itself became a spectacle.
“Patrons began capturing the baristas in action, snapping photos of the beverage, and sharing them across their social networks,” he recalls. “The drink organically evolved into a marketing phenomenon, reducing our need to actively promote it.”

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